Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Carving a path as a literary critic


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Literary critics don’t have it easy. The world of book reviews and criticism can be viewed as a mean and heartless one even when it isn’t. Intentional reading, careful crafting of analysis, and deliberate discussions among peers are necessary for success in the job. John Eilermann St. Louis.

Consuming books like a real enthusiast is a basic requirement for individuals desiring to become literary critics. Having an understanding of the genre of the book in need of a review would allow one for some healthy comparison with others in the same playing field. With a wide frame of reference and a strong background on book genres, book critics can be sure that their work is not based on their personal preference. John Eilermann St. Louis.

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There is no other way to get started in the playing field but by reviewing books for free. While more avenues and platforms for one to review books for profit are available, a humble start is still a favorable start. Reviewing books for free can help one become more confident in their skills and can widen their network. John Eilermann St. Louis.

Follow guidelines and standards in book reviewing in order to save on rewrites and rejections. A review that necessitates deep editing will never be a joy for an editing staff. As much as possible, avoid giving flaming bad reviews even when a book deserves it. Consider focusing on the reader instead of punishing an author for their unfavorable work. Find bits and pieces that can make the book worthwhile for the readers. John Eilermann St. Louis.

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