Friday, 13 December 2019

What to look forward to when playing football later in life

Soccer, or football in other parts of the world, is an obsession all over the world. People from all walks of life band together to watch their favorite teams dominate the field. From young kids to older adults, the sport makes the body and mind stronger. John Eilermann.

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Many adults have played football when they were younger, but have given up the sport as they aged. Playing football later in life may be a health risk for others. For some, the mere idea of getting on the field and tumbling while kicking the ball is a fair ground not to get involved in the sport. The main thing that can hold one back from enjoying the game is the fear of getting injured. If one takes that out of the equation, they can reap the benefits of playing the sport. John Eilermann.

During the British Science Festival in Birmingham back in 2010, scientists contented that middle-aged and older adults should play football, as it would promote better health. Research published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science discovered that untrained men and women who took part in regular soccer two to three times a week for one to two hours each session have shown improvements in their cardiovascular health and bone density. John Eilermann.

Older adults who play football will have fewer chances of having broken bones when they age. In addition, there are mental and social health benefits in participating in regular soccer later in life. John Eilermann.

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Three practical ways to read more books

John Eilermann St. Louis. Reading is a great way to sharpen the mind. Whether it's fiction, nonfiction, or poetry, immersing in literature facilitates learning. Reading can also provide entertainment with narratives that genuinely connect with one's humanity. Here are some tips that can motivate a person to finish more books.

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Set aside time for reading
John Eilermann St. Louis
. For many people, if it's not part of their schedule, it doesn't matter. Setting aside at least half an hour for reading will help a person focus and understand the content. Making reading part of the day can help build the habit. For those who are on their way to becoming regular readers, setting aside some time will help them finish the books on their list.

Consume books in different formats
John Eilermann St. Louis. These days, aside from print, books can come in the form of audiobooks and e-books. Those who want to read more books in a given time will find audiobooks and e-books a convenient solution. Some listen to audiobooks during their commute or while driving. Others have copies of their e-books on their gadgets that they can easily pick-up during their downtime. If print books are too inconvenient to carry, there are other options people can consume.

Have a list

John Eilermann St. Louis. The list can have 10 or a hundred books in it. What's important is the person finds the books interesting enough to spend hours on. Visiting bookshops, asking recommendations from friends, or reading reviews from trusted sources can help in curating this list. In this day and age, one doesn't have to spend too much money on a book. Having a library membership, buying e-book versions, borrowing copies from friends, and other options will help a person read the books on their list without overspending. With these options, they can proceed to the next great read without waiting too long. John Eilermann St. Louis.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Can love for reading make a person a better writer?

It is no secret that those who love to read can explain their thoughts well through writing. However, over the past decade, children have become more inclined to use gadgets, getting into gaming, and forsaking reading. While parents can argue that gaming apps can promote reading, nothing can really beat some good old-fashioned D.E.A.R. Time. John Eilermann St. Louis.

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Children and adults must redevelop a love for reading, as this skill improves other skills such as writing and comprehension. Those who have an appreciation for reading may find writing as second nature. In reading, one learns how to comprehend the subject matter and retain the material read. Over time, one’s understanding and memory are improved through habitual reading. John Eilermann St. Louis.

While there is no better way to get good at writing than to actually write, reading exposes one to various writing styles, other voices, and different genres and forms of writing. Reading reminds a writer that there is always room for improvement. Whether good or bad material, reading encourages one to keep writing and keep moving forward with their own development. John Eilermann St. Louis.

Habitual and intentional reading makes way for one to become a better writer and linguist. As another form of reading is reading aloud, people who are fluent in more than one language can give credit to reading and listening as their ways of learning a new language quickly and effectively. There’s no denying that success in writing comes from the love for reading. John Eilermann St. Louis.

Soccer as a hobby for people in their 30s and 40s

What makes soccer such a popular sport is that it can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Kids play in summer leagues while teens who train intensely in it go on to play varsity.
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However, soccer can also be a game for adults. Even if a person has never really played the game, he can still learn. John Eilermann.

Fitness plays an important role in adult life, especially considering that the body changes. Metabolism slows down, and the muscles and joints need constant movement to stay in shape. Soccer provides the perfect avenue for exercise.

Playing pick-up games, even if only once or twice a week, can have a huge impact on a person’s health. In fact, it’s great cardio routines that can even double as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with the occasional sprinting. John Eilermann.

However, adults need to understand that though soccer is an extremely simple sport, it’s highly physical. There’ll be bumps and bruises along the way, which are all part of the fun. And every game affords a new experience. Sometimes, if they’re lucky, adults may even experience games in the rain. John Eilermann.

Now, all one needs to do is buy the proper gear. Soccer boots, shin guards, and a ball will suffice. And if one has enough space near their area, they can practice dribbling through some drills, and strengthen their legs by kicking the ball toward solid walls that bounce the ball back. John Eilermann.

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Football in the rain: How hard is it?

John Eilermann. Anyone who’s ever played football (or soccer as it is known in the U.S.) will testify to how much the game changes with the weather conditions. Typically, football players get to play in clear conditions. But every now and then, the skies darken, and the downpour begins to drench the field.
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John Eilermann. However, even with all the challenges rain presents to people playing football, many players welcome it. For one, the water pouring down cools their bodies, which are hot from all the activity on the field. And if the game is played between friends, it becomes a lot of fun.

Many people have even likened playing in the rain to beach soccer. The ground becomes unstable, and the ball doesn’t bounce around as much, as the surface absorbs the impact. John Eilermann.

Football players need to adjust once the rain starts pouring. They have to anticipate that passes from teammates won’t go as far and that they may need to kick the ball a bit harder than normal.

All in all, playing football in the rain is a whole lot of fun. It’s just important to stay safe. When there are lightning strikes all around or when the rain turns into a storm, then it’s best to pack up and head to the nearest coffee house for some hot tea. John Eilermann.

What is the importance of studying literary theories?

Importance of literary theories -- John Eilermann St. Louis

When studying literature, whether it be fiction, poetry, or even essays, it is not enough to simply look at the work alone. In certain classes like comparative literature, knowledge in literary theories can make readings and discussions a lot more interesting. Literary theories provide a conceptual framework to view certain pieces of literature.

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John Eilermann St. Louis. One good example of literary theory is formalism for poetry. Formalism reviews the structural purpose of texts as separate entities apart from the writer who made the text. This literary theory is most known for championing the objective correlative. Objective correlative can be deduced as the author’s intention of creating emotions through imagery, linked together to form a central metaphor or image.

John Eilermann St. Louis. There are dozens of literary theories in the world of literature with even more interpretations from critics and writers. With the framework they provide, readers and other authors can read pieces of literature differently. For example, a reader can employ formalism and Russian formalism to a specific poem and have widely different interpretations for each run.

While literary theories can help readers interpret and better understand pieces of literature, it also gives incredible amounts of insight when it comes to the form and function of literature. Readers are often surprised how schools of thought like romanticism still resonate in today’s works, as well as how today’s literary masterpieces can still be read through the literary framework of theories created decades ago. John Eilermann St. Louis.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

A guide to using Bauhaus principles for projects

Bauhaus Principles John F. Eilermann Jr.

Even on its hundredth year, Bauhaus continues to influence modern art, design, and architecture. While it requires a mastery of style, technique, and materials, it challenged designers to go create works that will be useful for many. During its early days, the Bauhaus school embraced increasing industrialization that resulted to modern and utilitarian products that people are able to recognize up to this day. Here's a guide for designers who want to apply Bauhaus designs to their own projects. John F. Eilermann Jr.

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The reason why the Bauhaus movement continues to be relevant is because it embraces the basic elements of art. Using only color and shape is the foundation of abstract art. However, the school of design elevated this from the canvas to everyday items such as furniture. Those who want to apply this approach to their own work must understand that sometimes the most powerful design doesn't need to be over-the-top. Using only the essentials can make a product or a design fulfill its purpose. John F. Eilermann Jr.

Value craftsmanship
By returning to the basics, the Bauhaus school encouraged designers to go back to craftsmanship. As technology and industrialization became more widespread especially before the Second World War, art became easy to create and reproduce. Teachers of the Bauhaus style encouraged their students to go back to doing the dirty work-- embracing artistic technique and mastering the use of materials in order to create works that have an impact to their users. Instead of depending on software and gadgets, artists should go back to creating works from scratch. John F. Eilermann Jr.

Remember: Form follows function
It's always easier to come up with a form. But the excellence of the Bauhaus movement lies in its commitment to elevating function. Instead of creating pieces that are just for display, the Bauhaus artists sought to create designs that are not just visually captivating but also usable. To create functional art, one must work from the perspective of the user. Valuing the user's needs and marrying it with ingenuity is probably one of the main reasons why the school of design never lost its influence even after a century. John F. Eilermann Jr.

Improve reading habit with these techniques

More books, please -- John Eilermann St. Louis

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For people who want to write more, one advice they would often get is for them to read more. Reading, after all, not only improves one’s language and grammar but can also boost imagination, which is a crucial part of writing. And while it is alright to take a break from reading occasionally, neglecting the habit can be costly for writers.

For writers who want to boost their reading habits, here are three techniques that can help them devour more books. John Eilermann St. Louis.

Set a reading goal: A good start in the quest to read more is to set a goal. An example of a goal is reading a genre outside one’s comfort zone. Or perhaps make a monthly list of books to read.

For those who want to be reminded of their goal and keep track of their progress, Goodreads is a good platform to use. Goodreads also offers recommendations and reviews. John Eilermann St. Louis. .

Try audiobooks and e-books: While nothing beats the tactile sensation of holding a book and curling up in a comfy seat, for some people, e-books are the way to go. Others meanwhile enjoy listening to audiobooks while driving. For those who are not into taking their books outside of their homes for reading, they can download e-book and audiobook apps that can help them finish some reading.
Read and enjoy: It is important to remember that when reading, do so not to impress others. One may just end up stress even after fulfilling their reading goals if their intention is to only impress others. One needs to pick a book they genuinely like to make it easier for them to keep on reading. John Eilermann St. Louis.

Thursday, 18 July 2019

The importance of building a large vocabulary

The power of words -- John Eilermann St. Louis

Some people think that having a large vocabulary isn’t going to help them with anything. The truth is, vocabulary is often an overlooked area of learning, especially when studying a new language. But building a large vocabulary is essential to being an effective communicator. Without this arsenal, success in school and work is almost impossible.

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John Eilermann St. Louis. Many people can attest that words can definitely push one toward career success. Most learners carry the ultimate goal of studying to communicate in other languages. A large vocabulary is integral to having good grammar. Tourists often travel with a dictionary in hand to effectively convey their message to locals. Excellent communicators note that little can be conveyed without grammar, and nothing can be expressed without vocabulary.

It is true that the more words a person know, the easier it is for them to learn skills and languages. Vocabulary is best developed through intentional and focused study. The more common way of picking new words that build one’s vocabulary is through secondary listening, reading, and using context to decipher the meaning. John Eilermann St. Louis.

People should be aware that improving their vocabulary results in an improvement in their ability to learn. A learner’s focused effort in learning new words will help them become efficient in developing new skills. One good way of tracking one’s progress is by using a vocabulary journal and incorporating new words learned in daily conversations, using proper grammar. John Eilermann St. Louis.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Rebuilding after World War 2: A new form of architecture

I’m John Eilermann, World War II history enthusiast. I love reading and researching about this period because I believe we can learn more about ourselves from this period than any other era in human history. I also believe that so much from World War II has contributed to how our world is today. And that includes architecture.

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After WWII ended, the ‘midcentury modern’ movement started among architects. It was an extremely popular form of architecture that lasted for almost four decades. One of the most drawing appeals of midcentury modern architecture stemmed from the mix of innovation and integration (with nature). Because of this movement, many communities all across the United States overhauled their housing plans.

Midcentury modern architecture owes its existence to architects who escaped the Nazis and migrated to the U.S. In the U.S., these brilliant minds shared their ideas at top architectural and design schools, forever revolutionizing the craft and changing the look and feel of homes everywhere.

Along with the avant-garde design, midcentury modern architecture also made good use of new materials such as plywood and more modern ways of building homes. The result were taller and wider windows, smaller steps, multiple views from homes, and most significantly, flat planes that created a distinct geometric look for houses.

Hi! I'm John Eilermann. I’ve loved reading about World War II since I was young. I’m also a huge football fanatic. Check out my Twitter page for more on the stuff I love.

A brief history of young adult literature

You see those books in their dedicated shelves and aisles in bookstores, and even watch them come to life in the movies. Young adult or YA literature is likely here to stay, what is it exactly all about, particularly for generations that didn’t grow up having The Hunger Games or Twilight series? Comparative literature student John Eilermann from St. Louis, Missouri has this quick introduction.

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In general, YA literature refers to books written for an audience of 12 to 20 year olds. It may, however, also include books that are largely products for adults but maintain an appeal to younger readers. In 1957, the Young Adult Library Services Association was created after a major reorganization inside the American Library Association.

Here’s a bit of context. Back then, teenagers were being served at the library but didn’t have their own books, except for a few things like The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. In 1967, S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders was published, while Judy Blume’s novels came out in the 1970s and heralded the so-called Golden Age of YA.

Who could forget Sweet Valley High and The Babysitter’s Club in the 1980s? R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps series also reigned in YA horror, while Lois Lowry’s The Giver offered a look at dystopian futures. Then there’s the sub-genre of young adult romance, where teens blossom and discover love, and where there are varying degrees of quality and seriousness in tackling the subject matter, noted John Eilermann.

J.K. Rowling’s seven-book Harry Potter series needs no further introductive, while Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games ushered in the era of speculative fiction in the YA landscape. There are so many places on the web where you can find YA readers, such as YALSA, Book Riot, Riveted, YALL West, and Epic Reads.

John Eilermann from St. Louis, Missouri is a student of comparative literature. It is his goal to develop an understanding of literary compositions regardless of boundaries such as language, culture, and tradition. Learn more about literature on this page.

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

What made Babe Ruth the greatest baseball player of all time?

Baseball is one of America’s most popular sports and pastime. The game has been around for over a hundred years. And in those years, baseball has given us superstars that made their mark in sports history. But among the many players over the past century, none come close to the fame of the legendary Babe Ruth. According to baseball fan John Eilermann, no other athlete comes close to Babe Ruth in terms of achievements. In fact, it took decades before some of his records were beaten with a few even left untouched. Here are some reasons why Babe Ruth is the greatest baseball player of all time.

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A stellar pitcher

Most people know Babe Ruth for his ball-hitting prowess. But what very few people know is that Babe Ruth was first known as a pitcher. In fact, he was considered one of the most dominant left-handed pitchers. He helped the Boston Red Sox win 89 games in six seasons which led to three World Series Titles. He is also one of the few pitchers in history who threw a perfect game.

Sultan of Swat

When it comes to home run records, it took decades before anyone else could beat his records. Babe Ruth has hit more than 40 home runs per season in 11 seasons. In one particular season, he hit 60 homers. While the first feat has yet to be beaten, it took over 3 decades before his single season high was beaten by just one home run.

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Today, memorabilia related to Babe Ruth sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars. According to John Eilermann, he set the bar so high so early that it inspired hundreds of baseball players even decades after his retirement.

John Eilermann is a sports fan living in Chicago, Illinois. I find sports interesting because of the games’ capability to connect people all over the world. His favorite teams include baseball team St. Louis Cardinals and the German football club Hannover 96. For more reads on sports, visit this website.

Thursday, 9 May 2019

The basics of writing an effective essay

Every student will be asked to write an essay about either personal topics or academic ones. But regardless of the topic, essay writing is one of the very first literary pieces students make in their academic lives. However, teaching students how to write effective essays isn’t a topic that is covered all too often. According to comparative literature student John Eilermann, students are often taught basics like the parts of an essay but not much about what makes an essay effective. Here are some tips to help you write a more effective essay.

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The first thing you’d want to do when writing an essay is to form an outline. This isn’t the same as the parts of the essay which includes the introduction all the way down to the conclusion. The outline lets you arrange the thoughts and ideas you want to add in your essay. This helps the piece flow better from one paragraph to another. If you don’t plan your essay’s outline, the end result could be filled with abrupt jumps from one thought to another.

It also helps to write your thesis statement separately from your essay. This statement can guide you at any point of your writing. The thesis statement is the main thought you want to explore. With a clear thesis statement, it’s easy to notice if you are veering away from the topic.

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Lastly, knowing the conclusion of your essay is just as important as the thesis statement. From here, you can build the entire argument and make it fit to the conclusion. According to John Eilermann, the conclusion should also reward the reader in terms of informing or evoking emotions.

John Eilermann is from St. Louis, Missouri. The vastness of the field he is taking up keeps him busy, which he really doesn’t mind. He believes that comparative literature will offer him an abundance of opportunities once he graduate. For more reads on literature, visit this website.

Monday, 15 April 2019

What it takes to become a soldier

The U.S. Army has been the country’s main fighting force on the ground for the past century. As an avid World War II enthusiast, I, John Eilermann, have often read up on how the bravest of the brave make it to becoming a bona fide soldier.

Apparently, many of the requirements you needed to become a soldier back in WW2 are still needed today.

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Of course, before you sign up, you have to be sure that you can handle the job physically. Yes, physical condition is a huge requirement. Any serious heart condition or bouts with chronic ailments or asthma, or even having bad hearing or vision can rule you out. It’s important that you get the all-clear from your physician before you head into the intense, physically demanding tests and activities in the army.

Next up, be prepared to be stationed far away from the people you love for months, sometimes even years at a time. Basic training restricts family members from staying with you. You can only contact them through emails, chats, or limited phone calls.

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Then, there’s the usual four-year contract after enlistment, which basically means you’re tied legally to the army for that period.

My suggestion is, make the most out of this time. Learn as much as you can. Train to be a mechanic or a pilot so you can have other jobs once your service in the army is over. It’ll make life a whole lot easier. That’s a John Eilermann guarantee.

Hello, I’m John Eilermann, a huge fan of the beautiful game, football. I’m also a World War II enthusiast. Learn more about me and the stuff I love by following me on Twitter.

The four seasons explained by Greek mythology

There are a lot of mythological tales told in history that depicts or tells the tale behind natural occurrences. At the time, what science couldn’t explain, the supernatural supplemented explanations. A good example of this was the Greek mythology behind the four seasons winter, spring, summer, and fall. According to literature student John Eilermann, Greek literature provides an astoundingly detailed story as to why these seasons occur.

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The story begins with Demeter, the goddess farming and watcher of the harvest. It is believed that spring marks the time when the goddess visits the earth to look upon the progress of the crops. In all the tales, she always brings her daughter Persephone with her during her visits. This caught the eye of Hades, god of the underworld, who fell in love with Persephone.

One day, while Persephone was picking flowers, Hades opened the earth and dragged her toward his realm. Later on, Zeus would order Hades to release her but Hades had already fed her a pomegranate, a fruit that would bound her to Hades.

Struck with grief, Demeter locked herself in her room for 12 months. This caused mass spread famine across the lands. To resolve the conflict among the gods, Zeus allowed Hades to have Persephone for 3 months of the year and that she would return to Demeter for the remaining 9 months.

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According to John Eilermann, the 3 months of winter signifies Demeter waiting for her daughter to return, meaning crops were left to shrivel and farmlands going to waste. The remaining 9 months are then characterized by spring, summer, and fall where crops are bountiful.

John Eilermann is currently in college pursuing a degree in Comparative Literature. The vastness of the field he is studying has kept him busy, and he really doesn’t mind it. He believes that his major will offers him an abundance of opportunities once he graduates. For more insightful reads on literature, visit this website.

Friday, 15 March 2019

Five most significant battles in World War II

Like most wars in the past, World War II was composed of numerous bouts between the Axis and the Allied forces. Some battles are more noteworthy than others because of their significance in the outcome, number of casualties, as well as serving as milestones in the campaign. WWII enthusiast John Eilermann believes that there are some battles that aren’t in text books which deserve to be known. Here are five of the most significant battles in WWII.

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D Day, Normandy 1944 

 D Day, June 6, 1994, marked the beginning of the liberation of Western Europe from German occupation. The battle would last for six weeks. Strategically, the Germans had the advantage as it was a great opportunity to repel the Allies from holding further grounds in Western Europe. But in late July, Hitler and the tired German forces retreated to Germany.

 France, 1940

 Through the Germans’ unique mastery of mobile warfare, Germany was able to expand their territories through the Low Countries and northern France. Through this campaign, the Germans shattered the French Army, giving Hitler full control of Western Europe.

  Pearl Harbor, 1941

 A crippling blow was dealt to the Americans by the Japanese in this surprise attack in Hawaii. Japan deployed six aircraft carriers carrying over 400 planes to attack the naval base. This resulted to the nuclear option as retaliation for the attack.

 Bagration, 1944

 According to John Eilermann, Operation Bagration was more significant than D Day. This soviet offensive in Belorussia destroyed a large portion of the German army and liberated most of the soviet territories.

  Moscow, 1941

 The Red Army’s attack in front of Moscow took the Germans by surprise as it would prove that Hitler’s Blitzkreig strategy had failed. In the end, the Reich would lose in the battle of attrition in Soviet soil.
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  Chicago localJohn Eilermann is an expert when it comes to WWII facts and memorabilia. For more reads on this topic, visit this website.

Key tips on analyzing and critiquing poems

Analyzing poems can be a daunting activity for many a student, perhaps because a lot of them consider it cryptic and requires a need to get the so-called meaning. In this blog, Comparative Literature student John Eilermann from St. Louis offers some tips to better understand and critique this oft-elusive creature called poetry.

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Firstly, poems are rooted on heightened language. Part of how to best approach a poem is to understand that it always offers more than one layer or reading, and that to get its insight is not as important as getting the diction. It goes without saying that poems detest cliché, as the labor of the poet is to say things in a new way, often indirectly, often obliquely. In other words, no poem just reads like an essay. Note the opposite of the poetic is the rhetorical.

Appreciating poetry and having the faculty to comment on it may rest on first looking at the title and how it ties up to the body’s narrative. Is the poem’s story clear? Does the title offer a clue to its intent? If not, then maybe a good approach is to study whether its appeal is rooted in nuances with language use or noticing the images the render scenes. You may try paraphrasing it first.

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A lot of beginning readers get stumped by poems because they feel a pressure to comprehend immediately what it’s trying to say. This approach will just lead to guessing games. No interpretation is necessarily wrong, so long as its guided by what the poem implies. Meaning can wait; analyzing begins with reading the lines before resorting to the so-called expression of reading between the lines. 

Certain techniques will begin to open up if you prioritize diction and syntax. Focus on linguistic and figure-of-speech techniques employed. Insight can rest anywhere in the poem, not necessarily in the ending alone. Again, this is because a poem does not often offer a lesson, but simply comment on the human condition. In the end, meaningfulness is more important than meaning, adds John Eilermann.

John Eilermann is based in St. Louis, Missouri. He is currently pursuing a degree in Comparative Literature. The cross-disciplinary approach of the program he’s in enables students to take courses in philosophy, politics, culture, and the intersection of literature with history. Visit this blog for more musings and insights on poems and literature in general.

Friday, 15 February 2019

A beginner’s guide to postmodern literature

Postmodernism in literature essentially means writing that’s concerned with writing itself. It’s a self-reflexive and metalinguistic approach; the idea is to pay attention to what frames the world, even the very ink and pages used to write, say, a story or poem. All of these are subjects in postmodernist thought, as though one is looking through infinite mirrors, explains John Eilermann, a St. Louis comparative literature student.
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In postmodernist literature, the narrator becomes heavily involved in the said framing, often coming across as questionable or open to scrutiny as the characters themselves. In other words, he or she is not detached from the narrative; unlike in the linear progression of modernist story arcs, the point of view can reflect the narrator, the medium, and even the reader in a paradoxical sort of way.

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One way to approach the postmodernist text is to treat both language and structure as part of the so-called “consciousness” of the work. Again, it’s the framing that’s most important, leading to this suspect or unreliable narrator. In any case, style and ideology merge to utilize literary terms like fragmentation, author self-referencing, dark humor, and parody.

Multiplicity in meaning is preferred in postmodernist literature over singular insights. This is because the idea is to involve the reader in the meaning-making, which we often see in devices or techniques such as intertextuality, non-linear timelines, metafiction, magical realism, and pastiche. St. Louis-based comparative literature student John Eilermann names Samuel Beckett and Bret Easton Ellis as two of the first purveyors of the postmodernist movement.

Comparative Literature studentJohn Eilermannis based in St. Louis, Missouri. He likes the cross-disciplinary approach of the program, which enables students to take courses in philosophy, politics, and culture while allowing for the intersection of literature and history. Visit this pagefor more of John’s writings.

More exercises to raise your endurance for soccer

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I’m John F. Eilermann Jr. and I love soccer. I’ve played it before when I was younger and I know just how hard it can be for people who are in no condition to run great distances at high speeds. Because of this, I’ve checked out a few new-age exercises on how to increase one’s cardiovascular and respiratory capacity for more endurance on the pitch. Let’s check them out. HIIT High intensity interval training or HIIT is a more recent style of training that has been adopted in new-age gyms everywhere. Athletes of every sport have been doing HIIT to supplement their drills to much success. HIIT includes exercises such as burpees and mountain climbers, which do wonders for soccer players.

Swimming Since soccer is hard on the joints of the legs, swimming may be a good complementary workout to increase endurance. Swimming is low-impact, which means your joints are safe. Swimming also increases your lung capacity as well as makes for better blood circulation, both of which are invaluable for soccer players.
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Run-Sprints Performing moderate running and high-speed sprinting at intervals is a great way to condition yourself for soccer. When playing a full game, there will be times you’ll need to go at full sprint and times you’ll simply be walking. Simulate this in an open area. For every 30 seconds of moderate running and brisk walking, do a full sprint of eight to 10 seconds.

Message me, John F Eilermann Jr., in the comments section below if you have any questions regarding soccer.

Hey guys, John Eilermann here. I’m fascinated by the many aspects of World War II. I also love soccer and look forward to every World Cup. More on the stuff I love can be found here.

Monday, 21 January 2019

What football managers want to see in their defenders

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While strikers get all the glory, people seem to forget just how important defenders are in football. For this blog, we’ll be paying tribute to those mighty defenders with nerves of steel and unwavering resolve.

On that note, here are the top qualities of football’s best defenders.


Defenders have to be relentless in hounding forwards and midfielders to win back possession. Against teams that love the possession-type game, defenders need to run back and forth tirelessly to block the passing lanes.


You can’t defend properly if you’re afraid you’ll get hurt. A defender’s life is mainly comprised of him challenging forwards and midfielders for the ball. He’ll be defending against the best ball-handlers of opposing teams. He fails if he gets intimidated.

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Since defenders often hit and get hit on the pitch, a strong defender is a reliable defender. Defenders can’t be hit once and fall out of position. They need to have a solid constitution, especially in a game that bats people around.


Often, defenders will have to race against opposing forwards and midfielders to get to the ball. This is where speed comes in. Always remember that forwards are like gazelles; they run like the wind. To stay in time, defenders need to have speed and pacing.

Hello, I’m John Eilermann, a huge football fan. Learn more about me and the stuff I love by following me on Twitter.

Friday, 11 January 2019

The persona is not the poet in poetry

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It’s not uncommon in poetry classes for students to equate the poet with the speaker or persona of the poem. But this shouldn’t be condoned. When, for example, Pablo Neruda says that “tonight I write the saddest lines,” it doesn’t have to be Neruda himself feeling the said sentiment.

The duty of poets is to make readers feel the poem, not just feel bad or good for the writer. The emotions being conveyed by poetry should be devoid of authorial intrusion. Sympathy is not as important in literature as empathy, of putting oneself in another’s shoes. And accomplished writers are guided by this quiet distance from their own work.

Often than not, those beginning to analyze poems think a poem with an I persona means that the narrative of poem happened to the poet in real life. But we must remember that poetry’s online instrument is language, and often their duty compels them to embellish narratives to heighten language. It’s not as though we’re saying that poets are necessarily liars, but poems aspiring for literariness don’t aim to capture truth per se, but to reach verisimilitude, a semblance of the true.
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Again, not all poems are biographical in nature, even when we read works by confessional poets like Sylvia Plath. Much negotiation happens with language to make the poems not just elaborate, exposed diary entries but works we can truly relate to. Poems after all, according to the Neruda-inspired film Il Postino, “belong not to those who write it, but to those who need it.”

Hey, what’s up? My name is John Eilermann, a Comparative Literature major based in St. Louis, Missouri. Long before I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in this field, I’d already decided to become a lifelong learner. Comparative literature provides me with many multidisciplinary approaches. Follow me on Facebook for more writing tips and insights.