Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Can love for reading make a person a better writer?

It is no secret that those who love to read can explain their thoughts well through writing. However, over the past decade, children have become more inclined to use gadgets, getting into gaming, and forsaking reading. While parents can argue that gaming apps can promote reading, nothing can really beat some good old-fashioned D.E.A.R. Time. John Eilermann St. Louis.

Image course: edutopia.org

Image source: medium.com
Children and adults must redevelop a love for reading, as this skill improves other skills such as writing and comprehension. Those who have an appreciation for reading may find writing as second nature. In reading, one learns how to comprehend the subject matter and retain the material read. Over time, one’s understanding and memory are improved through habitual reading. John Eilermann St. Louis.

While there is no better way to get good at writing than to actually write, reading exposes one to various writing styles, other voices, and different genres and forms of writing. Reading reminds a writer that there is always room for improvement. Whether good or bad material, reading encourages one to keep writing and keep moving forward with their own development. John Eilermann St. Louis.

Habitual and intentional reading makes way for one to become a better writer and linguist. As another form of reading is reading aloud, people who are fluent in more than one language can give credit to reading and listening as their ways of learning a new language quickly and effectively. There’s no denying that success in writing comes from the love for reading. John Eilermann St. Louis.

Soccer as a hobby for people in their 30s and 40s

What makes soccer such a popular sport is that it can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Kids play in summer leagues while teens who train intensely in it go on to play varsity.
Image source: longmontindoorsoccer.com

Image source: glaciermedia.ca
However, soccer can also be a game for adults. Even if a person has never really played the game, he can still learn. John Eilermann.

Fitness plays an important role in adult life, especially considering that the body changes. Metabolism slows down, and the muscles and joints need constant movement to stay in shape. Soccer provides the perfect avenue for exercise.

Playing pick-up games, even if only once or twice a week, can have a huge impact on a person’s health. In fact, it’s great cardio routines that can even double as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with the occasional sprinting. John Eilermann.

However, adults need to understand that though soccer is an extremely simple sport, it’s highly physical. There’ll be bumps and bruises along the way, which are all part of the fun. And every game affords a new experience. Sometimes, if they’re lucky, adults may even experience games in the rain. John Eilermann.

Now, all one needs to do is buy the proper gear. Soccer boots, shin guards, and a ball will suffice. And if one has enough space near their area, they can practice dribbling through some drills, and strengthen their legs by kicking the ball toward solid walls that bounce the ball back. John Eilermann.